Clamcleat® (is a registered trademark of Clamcleats Limited)
Constrictor® (is a trademark of Cousin Trestec)
Dyneema® (is a registered trademark of DSM IP Assets B.V.)
Nylatron® (is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials Inc.)
Technora® (is a registered trademark of Teijin Techno Products Limited Corporation)
Tef-Gel™ (is a trademark of Ultra Safety Systems, Inc.)
Torlon® (is a registered trademark of Solvay Advanced Polymers)
Windex® (is a registered trademark of WINDEX Development AB)
Wireteknik® (is a registered trademark of Wireteknik Leif Anderson AB)
Super B™ (is a trademark of Super B International B.V.)
MasterVolt® (is a registered trademark of MasterVolt International B.V.)
Victron® (is a registered trademark of Victron Energy B.V.)
Isoflex® (is a registered trademark of Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG)
Teroson® and Terostat® (are registered trademarks of Henkel AG & Co. KgaA.)
Ronstan® is a registered trademark of Ronstan International Pty Ltd
Andersen Stainless Steel Winches® is a registered trademark of Ronstan Denmark ApS
Andersen Winches™ (winches)
Ballslide™ (batten cars)
Battlestick™ (tiller extensions)
BoatSmart™ (boat care products)
Captive Lock™ (utility blocks)
C-Cleat™ (cam cleats)
ClearStart™ (sailing timer and watches)
Compact Motor™ (electric winches)
Core Block™ (blocks)
Orbit Block™ (blocks)
Power Rib™ (winches)
Quick-Lock™ (winch handles)
RopeGlide™ (Shocks™, rings, fairleads)
Sailfast™ (silicon spray)
Shock™ (sheaveless block)
Skiffsuit™ (wetsuit)
Smart Features™ (various products, barcode labels)
T-Cleat™ (cam cleats)
Ultimate Ratchet Block™ (ratchet blocks)
V-Cleat™ (rope cleats)
Windshift™ (sunglasses)